The project's slogan is "That is Force"
What is Force ?

Definitions for Force:

1) Force is a push or pull

2) Force is the capacity to do work or cause physical change

3) Force= Mass times acceleration (F = ma)

4) A force is that which changes or tends to change the state of rest or motion of a body.

Implement vision standart.

1." Africa Trade, economic activities, markets can also be married with human development, with women's economic development, with poverty reduction, and social economical activities.

2. Force Frame works 'A decent life' Workers also use environmentally friendly, often recycled materials, and their operations are carbon neutral.

3. Africa Farmes "We are talking about things that you buy because they are beautiful, really gorgeous. But then they have this incredible, positive story behind them, the story of people who get a decent life out of this work, who get a new life."

4.FORCE sustainable sport fashion brand Africa made The future of fashion is about sustainability and about products that are beautiful on the inside and outside. This is why we believe in artisans, people who take pride in their work and put their heart & soul in it. Artisans are the key to a fashion industry that has ethics and aesthetics.

5. Force the Africa Journey "The aim of  Force Africa journey" is to ensure that production activities take place within an ethical and fully traceable supply chain.

force africa journey communicates the added value brought by artisanal production. force aims to highlight the various skills involved, the attention to detail and the handmade quality of the product.

The information gathered through Force the Africa Journey is made public, thus responding to the growing consumer demand for supply chain transparency.

6. Stages of the Force Africa Journey : Assess – provides information on the initial situation of the beneficiaries and their performance that the #thatisforce Fashion Initiative aims to change.

Control – allows clear and objective capturing, measuring and monitoring of the activities of artisans, fair labour compliance and environmental performance during the production period.

Trace – captures the information in a regular and systematic manner to monitor impact results, credibility and transparency across the entire chain of producers.

The Force Journey works through continuous data gathering through assessments, focus group discussions, surveys, mappings, tracking tools and other twenty different methods. This data is then analysed and made available online.

7. Sustainable principle projects. “We have only one Earth“Having only one Earth does not mean that inequality and poverty should persist. Clearly, we need new ways to develop, that would stay within the limits of our planet’s capacity, at the same time bringing benefits in a more fair and equitable mann. three components to sustainable development: environmental, social and economic sustainability. This means a form of development that sustains the natural environment; looks after people; and ensures that economic welfare can be maintained. It would be to the benefit of People, Planet and Prosperity.

Ecological sustainability

A first principle for sustainable development is that any development activity should help to sustain (and not harm) our natural resources. Both scientists and ordinary people have noticed that the Earth’s life-support systems are taking strain – once fertile areas can no longer sustain people; global fishing stocks have been depleted; the atmosphere, water courses and our food supplies have been polluted. It is difficult to determine how much of this kind of development the Earth can take. It is also hard, for each activity, to predict its impact on ecosystems. For this reason, we need to apply the ‘precautionary principle’, which states: Don’t proceed with a development until we are reasonably sure that it won’t have negative impacts; if we cannot be sure, then don’t proceed! There is also much that we can do to restore our environments, which in turn opens up many new development opportunities. Examples include organic farming, de-contaminating the soil and re-growing forests. On a macro-scale, if we are to sustain the planet, we must reduce population growth and change our patterns of consumption (see Topics POPULATION and CONSUMERISM).
Social sustainability

This second principle implies that a majority of people must benefit from development – not just a lucky few. It calls for fairness in the access to and benefits from the Earth’s resources.

As we saw in ‘Reality Check’, our world is far from fair. The majority of the global population do not have access to resources; these same people suffer disproportionately from pollution, resource depletion and land degradation. How do we work towards greater equity, environmental justice and social sustainability?

South Africa has taken a huge step forward by abolishing unfair apartheid laws and instating a democracy that recognises equal rights What ABOUT R.D.C ?. However, inequalities remain in the way people participate in the economy and benefit from it. On a global scale there are calls for fairness in international trade regulations, which currently benefit the wealthiest nations and discriminate against less powerful ones.

But there are also economic injustices within each country. We therefore need to review our economic policies and practices in terms of their ‘people impact’. To what extent do they reduce the appalling income gap in African countries? What best supports the livelihoods of the majority? A few capital-intensive projects or many smaller, job-intensive ones? A weaker rand or a stronger rand?

Of course, people’s wellbeing is not only dependent on jobs or income – social sustainability also involves education, health and a healthy environment, security, opportunities for relaxation and spiritual renewal, and people’s right to participate in decisions that affect them. This includes the right to information about the environmental health impacts of development activities, and the right to legal action if such activities prove to be harmful.
Economic sustainability

This principle should be about economic activities that sustain people and planet – not about maintaining an economy, especially one based on development-as-growth, which – as noted – harms the planet and fails to benefit the majority of South Africans.

Sustainable Development calls above all for reforms in the manner that we conduct our economic activities. Numerous measures have been proposed including:
Removing unfair trade barriers – Economists estimate that this would allow poorer countries to generate a total income three times the sum of official development aid;
Removing Government subsidies that harm the environment and the poor;
Upholding the polluter pays principle – those who do harm, must pay for redress;
Instituting clear paths of responsibility and liability – for example, a CEO should be liable for the accuracy of a company’s environmental reporting;
Shifting the tax base from labour to resource use – in other words, rather than taxing us on what we earn through the work we do, tax us on our impacts and what we consume;
Price products not only on what value has been added to them, but also in terms of what value they have deducted from the common natural resource base;
ncrease resource productivity – create wealth with ever fewer resources.

On a micro-scale, the question is not what constitutes a ‘sustainable business’ – how to sustain ‘business as usual’ is taught in any business school and does not require a new concept. The question is, what kind of business will sustain people and planet? Hard, truthful answers will require many companies to change either the nature of their business, or the way in which they go about it. Examples include more responsible waste management, cleaner production, recycling and energy efficiency (see Topic CONSUMERISM).

8."AFRICA FORCE of common interest" is formed with the focus in creating sustainable educational lifestyle and experiential environments and objects, demonstrating a fixation with materiality, concept and tangible spatial experiences.

We aim to create projects that balance between the long lasting and the ephemeral projects in time and objects whose creative approach stems from an abstract realm enriched with layers of conceptual readings: moments of unfamiliar simplicity, sculptural and material self-expression, structural articulation,

Our work roots from an amalgamation of thinking and making between two diverse factors, Inequity and equity , switching between the formal and the intuitive, embracing the handmade and the tactile, the experimental and the poetic.

Projects of common interest (PCIs) are key infrastructure projects, especially cross-border projects, that link the energy systems of EU countries. They are intended to help the EU achieve its energy policy and climate objectives: affordable, secure and sustainable energy for all citizens, and the long-term decarbonisation of the economy in accordance with the Paris Agreement. Every two years, the European Commission draws up a new list of PCIs

9.THE FORCE 7F HISTORY CAMPIGN.SPORTS BY FORCE nonprofit brand is a new strategic challenge with significant appeal, but also significant concerns for international nonprofits. In addition to providing nonprofit leaders and managers with a better understanding of brandbuilding activities, imperatives, and best practices in the field. Sport has the power to change the world," Nelson Mandela once said -- and the South African prisoner-turned-president also provided perhaps the most eloquent supporting evidence for his claim."It has the power to inspire," he said. "It has the power to unite people in a way that little else does. Sport can create hope where once there was only despair. It is more powerful than government in breaking down racial barriers."

10. The best way to implement my vision and values .SAVE THE WORLD. iT'S NOT EASY. The creation of a new philanthropic revolutionary business model will be the most visible integration to transport the new economical giving face decisions in to our transparent foundation model concept.

Funding the new Strategies
Angel Bashile presented a Thesis Focused in the economical REFUGEES development solutions with the logical thinking that a new economy business integration model cannot rely on the same organizational forms as the old REFUGEES stratregies economy model. Ghetto Beats The foundation is presentig a revolucionary Investment methode in for-profit and no-profit programs to developt any single community culture starting from the botton that human bean is a value composition representig a value proposition.

Ghetto Beats more than just a simple foundation.

The Ghetto Beats Foundation attemps to go beyond both the PR-focused corporate social responsability of many companies, which delivers little in social impact, and also the well-intentioned chariratable approaches that never reach any scale because they are not commercially viable. Launched in 2018 with an initial endowment of ..., the foundation is committed to finding business-based solutions to poverty, not just becuase it thikns this is the best way of helping the poor but because it thinks it is the best way for a corporation to help poor commuinities says Bashile Initiator from Foundation the old crop of NGOs and donors, and the new generation of guilty artist and rich offspring of rich people, have only money-the least value social-change asset-to bring to the table. They have no business acumen at all and worry about solving the ego-assuaging visible consequences of poverty rather than tackling its causes.

Ghetto Beats Foundation's biggest succes will be the creation of a investment fund for small- medium and bigg-size enterprises in Africa Targeting with low-risk pro-poor companies that cannot get funding elsewhere. So far so familiar, but what is different about the Ghettro Beats Foundation approach is that it will convert a succesful pilot into a commercially viable investment vehicle.

"Essentially we have created a new pro-poor investment "asset class" an proven it can deliver commercial returns. For us getting involved in issues like poverty, water scarcy and the effect to climate change, energy, education, sport, arts, music, digitalization, Fashion Lifestyle & Food populataion is vital to staying competitive in the next decades. Ceo Used to frame thoughts like
these in the context of moral responsability but know is also about growht and innovation in the future its will be the only way to make philantropic business development, unliver simple regards the devoloping world as its laboratory. So to sing up the principale and inclusive growht is not only
blurring the borders between commercial activity and social value creation by bringing the world's
poorest people into the global economy. It is also conveying new logics where public aid is transforming into privat enterprise and small is turned into the big. The poor are rich in resource and
knowledge, and consumers, suppliers and distributors are turned into business partners and corporate
social responsability is turned into corporate social innovation. It is a new way out of poverty a new
way to make business and it is giving the therm developig countries a whole new meaning.

Social innovations

Ghetto Beats working definition of social innovation adopted in the framework of the Forum on Social Innovations was that it "can concern conceptual, process or product change, organisational change and changes in financing, and can deal with new relationships with stakeholders and territories”.

"Ghetto Beats Social innovation" seeks new answers to social problems by:
Identifying and delivering new services that improve the quality of life of individuals and communities.

Identifying and implementing new labour market integration processes, new competencies, new jobs, and new forms of participation, as diverse elements that each contribute to improving the position of individuals in the workforce.

Ghetto Beats Social innovations can therefore be seen as dealing with the welfare of individuals and communities, both as consumers and producers. The elements of this welfare are linked with their quality of life and activity. Wherever social innovations appear, they always bring about new references or processes.

Ghetto Beats Social innovation deals with improving the welfare of individuals and community through employment, consumption or participation, its expressed purpose being therefore to provide solutions for individual and community problems.

A movement call Ghetto Beats

Ghetto Beats Global Movement for Peace stands for a world where human beings resolve our differences without violence and use our ingenuity and resources to create an inspiring, transformed reality on planet earth.


Ghetto Beats Global Movement envisions a world in which people of all nations, religions and tribes coexist peacefully and work together to effectively address the many urgent needs of humanity, enjoying prosperity and warm relationships.


The mission of the Ghetto Beats Global Movement for Peace is to make our vision a reality by inspiring people to find peace within themselves, build positive relationships in our communities, and inspire changes on a global scale. Working locally and with international partners, we will identify, advocate for, and implement policies that move us away from violence and intolerance and toward peace and understanding.

Human beings have a destiny on this earth to live together in peace. This beautiful possibility may not be inevitable, but with committed action applied with wisdom it is achievable in our time.

Ghetto Beats Global Compact

Ghetto Beats Corporate Foundation sustainability starts as a company’s value system and a principles-based approach to generate business. This means operating in ways that, at a minimum, meet fundamental responsibilities in the areas of human rights, labour, environment and anti-corruption. Responsible businesses enact the same values and principles wherever they have a presence, and know that good practices in one area do not offset harm in another. By incorporating the Ten Principles of the UN Global Compact into strategies, policies and procedures, and establishing a culture of integrity, companies are not only upholding their basic responsibilities to people and planet, but also setting the stage for long-term success.

Human Rights
Principle 1: Businesses should support and respect the protection of internationally proclaimed human rights.
Principle 2: make sure that they are not complicit in human rights abuses Labour.
Principle 3: Businesses should uphold the freedom of association and the effective recognition of the right to collective bargaining.
Principle 4: the elimination of all forms of forced and compulsory labour.
Principle 5: the effective abolition of child labour.
Principle 6: the elimination of discrimination in respect of employment and occupation. 
Principle 7: Businesses should support a precautionary approach to environmental challenges.
Principle 8: undertake initiatives to promote greater environmental responsibility.
Principle 9: encourage the development and diffusion of environmentally friendly technologies. 
Principle 10: Businesses should work against corruption in all its forms, including extortion and bribery.


We think the power of message on the music scene will save the world, “If we work hard, music can save the world.” , we also believed and lived for the purpose that music should save the world. But how?

Certainly the power of music has done little to prevent wars, crime, hatred, and destruction in the last two thousand years. Perhaps many great men and women have been inspired by uplifting, transcendent music. Swaying and influencing the emotions of the masses can be more easily done when reinforced by patriotic or religious sounds. Without question, music has power—but in what way can music save the world?


We want to believe that music, as the language of the soul, might enable mankind to transcend the mundane and rise above its petty desires, conflicts, and quarrels. It seems that such effects have yet to be seen on a grand scale. And yet, perhaps music will help us now, at a time when we face a new wave of ideas about what children should learn and how they should learn it. Many people feel that we are facing a crisis, or many crises in education, and that the future of our country and perhaps of our world may depend on our ability to solve these crises in this decade.

What crises? Are we not at the height of intellectual and scientific achievement? Do we not have the highest quality of life in all of recorded history? How would all this be possible if there were real crises in education? Let us not forget that today we are reaping the benefits of our grandparents’ and great grandparents’ efforts to build this SPACES on a strong moral and ethical foundation. History buffs now discuss parallels between America today and the fall of the Roman Empire. Our collective moral and ethical standard is quickly taking back seat to our need to support “politically correct” positions and heel “theoretically accurate” pedagogical and philosophical ideas.

The reasons for these crises are diverse, complex, and numerous. Equally complex are the solutions to these problems. Where does music fit in? What power is there in music to effect change in educational philosophy and practice? Why do musicians, music educators, musically literate parents, and music lovers all have a responsibility to challenge these complex crises in the field of education?
"All people who love art should burn with the obligation to save the world"Ghetto Beats make it possible just by sharing the message “GHETTO BEATS.


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LES^SENCE Drawing on sustainable concepts