Chinese Demand for Bloodwood Cuts Into Congo’s Ecosystem. Corruption and lack of oversight allow illegally logged timber to be traded from Africa’s heartland to the coast of China.
The Mukula tree, know as bloodwood is disapearring due to overharversting in east and south africa.
There are no official statistics for how many Mukula trees have been felled, but demand for the wood is so high that Zambia has banned exports of the wood. In China, a tonne of Mukula sells for between 17,000 and 22,000 renminbi per tonne ($2,500 and $3,200 a tonne). Greenpeace estimates that as much as 15,000 tonnes of the wood are sold each month from just four of the biggest Mukula markets in Zhang Jiagang in eastern China, home to the country’s largest Mukula processing industry. China’s rosewood furniture market was worth at least 100 billion renminbi ($15 billion) in 2012.
Local authorities are making some efforts to curb the trade. The DRC arrested 14 Chinese nationals in May on suspicion of illegal logging and export of Mukula wood. Still, any serious effort to moderate Mukula logging will have to come from China.
“As the most influential timber market in the world, China can and should support African countries’ efforts to tackle illegal logging and timber trade,” said Wenjing Pan, Greenpeace’s senior global campaigner.
LES^SENCE Building a biodiversity-based sector
A biodiversity-based sector of the economy is defined here as consisting of businesses and other economic activities that either depend on biodiversity for their core business or that contribute to biodiversity conservation through their activities. This particular solution focuses on how communities and entrepreneurs can support biodiversity conservation, alleviate poverty and reduce pressures to deforest while contributing to sustainable development of the local economy.
Many biodiversity-based enterprises are run by communities, which are able to access raw materials
or products from community-managed lands. Typical products include ecosystem goods such as non-timber forest products (NTFP) and agro-forestry products. In Lumumbashi this includes forest honey, mukula, aloe vera products, ‘banuaka beads’, medicinal plants, fisheries (ornamental fish and
fish for consumption), cocoa and adan rice. Three of these community-managed products—makula inoculation and cultivation, certification of cocoa agro-forest producers and
the Tagal system & cage aquaculture for fish—are described in the tables that follow, along with one service— community-based ecotourism. In the case of the latter, particular emphasis is placed on the potential for trans- boundary ecotourism, an integrated strategy for which would enhance biodiversity and local livelihoods while helping to sustain local Dayak culture.
Also presented in the tables below is a related category of enterprises referred to here as ‘future biodiversity-based businesses’. Those presented here are: ecosystem restoration services, protecting and restoring abandoned logging concessions, bio-banking and bioprospecting. While some of these businesses have already begun to emerge in the HoB, in order for them truly to flourish, existing barriers, such as lack of entrepreneurial capacity, perverse incentives currently in place for unsustainable businesses, lack of recognition of tenure rights of indigenous peoples, conflicting regulations, etc. need to be overcome.
Recent experiments have provided some evidence that loss of biodiversity may impair the functioning and sustainability of ecosystems. However, we still lack adequate theories and models to provide robust generalizations, predictions, and interpretations for such results. Here I present a mechanistic model of a spatially structured ecosystem in which plants compete for a limiting soil nutrient. This model shows that plant species richness does not necessarily enhance ecosystem processes, but it identifies two types of factors that could generate such an effect: complementarity among species in the space they occupy below ground and positive correlation between mean resource-use intensity and diversity. In both cases, the model predicts that plant biomass, primary productivity, and nutrient retention all increase with diversity, similar to results reported in recent field experiments. These two factors, however, have different implications for the understanding of the relationship between biodiversity and ecosystem functioning. The model also shows that the effect of species richness on productivity or other ecosystem processes is masked by the effects of physical environmental parameters on these processes. Therefore, comparisons among sites cannot reveal it, unless abiotic conditions are very tightly controlled. Identifying and separating out the mechanisms behind ecosystem responses to biodiversity should become the focus of future experiments.
A biodiversity-based sector of the economy is defined here as consisting of businesses and other economic activities that either depend on biodiversity for their core business or that contribute to biodiversity conservation through their activities. This particular solution focuses on how communities and entrepreneurs can support biodiversity conservation, alleviate poverty and reduce pressures to deforest while contributing to sustainable development of the local economy.
Many biodiversity-based enterprises are run by communities, which are able to access raw materials
or products from community-managed lands. Typical products include ecosystem goods such as non-timber forest products (NTFP) and agro-forestry products. In Lumumbashi this includes forest honey, mukula, aloe vera products, ‘banuaka beads’, medicinal plants, fisheries (ornamental fish and
fish for consumption), cocoa and adan rice. Three of these community-managed products—makula inoculation and cultivation, certification of cocoa agro-forest producers and
the Tagal system & cage aquaculture for fish—are described in the tables that follow, along with one service— community-based ecotourism. In the case of the latter, particular emphasis is placed on the potential for trans- boundary ecotourism, an integrated strategy for which would enhance biodiversity and local livelihoods while helping to sustain local Dayak culture.
Also presented in the tables below is a related category of enterprises referred to here as ‘future biodiversity-based businesses’. Those presented here are: ecosystem restoration services, protecting and restoring abandoned logging concessions, bio-banking and bioprospecting. While some of these businesses have already begun to emerge in the HoB, in order for them truly to flourish, existing barriers, such as lack of entrepreneurial capacity, perverse incentives currently in place for unsustainable businesses, lack of recognition of tenure rights of indigenous peoples, conflicting regulations, etc. need to be overcome.
Primary productivity as a function of species richness, in the two cases of “redundant” species (total occupied space constant, A) and “complementary” species (average occupied space constant, B). Scenario 1 (continuous line), average resource-use intensity independent of species richness; scenario 2 (circles), species added in increasing order of resource-use intensity; scenario 3 (squares), species added in decreasing order of resource-use intensity. Resource-use intensities are assumed to follow a regular distribution, L*i = iL*1. All other parameters are identical for all species. Parameter values: R0 = 220, L*1 = VR = kμ = 1, δ = 0.5, Sσ = 20 in A, and σ = 1 in B.
Primary productivity as a function of species richness, in the two cases of “redundant” species (total occupied space constant, A) and “complementary” species (average occupied space constant, B). Scenario 1 (continuous line), average resource-use intensity independent of species richness; scenario 2 (circles), species added in increasing order of resource-use intensity; scenario 3 (squares), species added in decreasing order of resource-use intensity. Resource-use intensities are assumed to follow a regular distribution, L*i = iL*1. All other parameters are identical for all species. Parameter values: R0 = 220, L*1 = VR = kμ = 1, δ = 0.5, Sσ = 20 in A, and σ = 1 in B.
Robustness and the Spatial Correlation of Risk: Extensions of the Loreau Model
The results reported by Loreau et al. (2003), summarized above, provide a simple illustration of the spatial insurance hypothesis. They demonstrated how dispersal, as a mechanism to increase biodiversity, insures the system against asynchronous environmental fluctuations. In what follows we extend the model to consider factors that affect the spatial correlation of environmental risk, and the capacity of dispersal to stabilize productivity both at the level of individual communities and across the metacommunity.
Natural resources are rarely constant over time or space. To capture this variation we allow the natural resource influx, I, to vary stochastically over time, affecting the quantity of resources available for species consumption. This we define as “environmental risk.”7 (Note that “environmental risk” affects the equation of motion for the resource and not variation in species consumption rates.) Several modeling options are available.
Formally, the “risk” of an outcome is the value of the outcome multiplied by the probability that it will occur. We take the value of outcomes to be the associated level of productivity, and tested the effect of different correlation coefficients of the probability distribution of the underlying environmental variables on productivity. Specifically, we consider two extreme cases of the spatial correlation of risks—local and global risk. Global risk implies that resource availability in each community is determined by the same set of environmental conditions, i.e. risks are perfectly correlated spatially. Local risk implies that communities are either far enough apart or sufficiently different in other respects that resource availability depends only on local environmental conditions, i.e. risks are uncorrelated spatially. We then tested intermediate levels of the spatial correlation of environmental risk by allowing rates of resource influx in individual patches to be more or less spatially correlated. Influx values for the patches were drawn from a multivariate normal distribution with the same mean and standard deviation as the global and local risk scenarios, but with varying values for the correlation coefficients. Parameters used to generate resource influx rates are presented in in Table 2.
Table 2
Variable | Value | Interpretation | Units |
μI | 165 | Average resource influx rate | resource biomass |
σI | variable 1,5,10,25 | Standard deviation of resource influx | - |
ρI | variable 0.01,0.1,0.2,0.4,0.7 | Correlation coefficient of resource influx | - |
μa | variable [0,1] | Average dispersal rate | time-1 |
COVa | variable 0.1,0.2,0.4,0.7,1 | Coefficient of variation of dispersal rate | resource biomass-1 |
Note that a value of “-” indicates a dimensionless parameter. In our first extension, resource influx rates, I, are drawn from a normal distribution with a mean μI and covariance matrix composed of the standard deviation σI(diagonals) and spatial correlation coefficient ρI (off-diagonals). In our second extension, dispersal rates are drawn from a beta distribution where scale parameters are calculated using the average (μa) and coefficient of variation (COVa) of the dispersal rate.
Our primary result is summarized in Figure 3. As in the original papers, we found that intermediate dispersal rates tend to stabilize productivity across the system. However, we also found that the stabilizing effect of dispersal depends strongly on the degree to which environmental risks are correlated across communities. Specifically, we found the stabilizing effect of dispersal to be weakest when resource availability is spatially perfectly correlated (ρI = 1) across communities (Figure 3). In these circumstances all communities experience the same costs (benefits) of low (high) resource availability, and any compensation occurs temporally and at the level of the whole system. Periods of poor resource availability are compensated by periods of resource abundance. When environmental risks are not spatially correlated—implying that resource availability varies across communities—we found dispersal within the metacommunity to be more strongly stabilizing. A fall in productivity in one community where resource availability is low is compensated by an increase in productivity in other communities where resource availability is high. At intermediate levels of the spatial correlation of environmental risk, we found intermediate stabilizing effects of dispersal
We found that dispersal promotes stability of productivity under local and global environmental resource stochasticity, but that its effectiveness differs substantially depending on the degree of the spatial correlation of risk. We found that the insurance effect on productivity is greatest when environmental risks across communities are not correlated. In other words, the insurance function of dispersal is greatest where risks are local. Low productivity communities are compensated by high productivity ones. Where the environmental risks experienced by each community are highly spatially correlated, the insurance effects of dispersal still exist but are significantly weaker. This result is consistent with the asynchrony literature (Loreau and de Mazancourt, 2013). For instance, Loreau and de Mazancourt (2013) demonstrated analytically that asynchronies in species responses to environmental stochasticity stabilize community-level variation in species biomass.
Biodiversity-based products from community-managed areas .
LES^SENCE Community inoculation and cultivation solutions
Future biodiversity business
Ecosystem restoration services
What is the issue?
Degraded ecosystems cannot provide their many ecosystem services properly anymore, causing
risks not only for those who live on the land concerned, but throughout the watershed. Many
forests in the HoB are under threat of degradation.
Who is the seller?
Communities or companies, or a combination of the two, whereby a company sub-contracts
implementation and monitoring to communities.
Who is the buyer?
Land owner, concession holder, government
Steps towards
successful business model: |
What can banks do:
What can the private sector do? |
Engage in public-private partnership with government to engage in biobanking (See biobanking
below) for conservation and ecosystem restoration.
What can the Government do?
Contribution to...
What is the issue?
Due to its diversity, the HoB provides good bioprospecting opportunities. Genetic resources and
agro-biodiversity in large parts of the HoB have been used, cultivated, managed and modified
by local people for centuries. This rich tradition (codified in language, plant names, local
pharmacopeia and recipes, etc) has made it possible to identify and recognize potential uses of
plants and other organisms for food, medicinal and other purposes. The holders and custodians
of this traditional knowledge should be enabled to share in the financial gains made from these
genetic recourses. Rather than seeing bioprospecting solely as an opportunity for financial gain,
the source country may want to negotiate a form of cooperation which builds institutional and
human resource capacity for research and development.
Who is the seller?
Currently governments of countries engage in bioprospecting agreements as ‘sellers’
Who is the buyer?
Pharmaceutical companies engage in bioprospecting agreements as ‘buyers’
Steps towards
successful business model: What can investors do |
What can the private sector do?
• Start joint ventures with local communities, to enable local retention of financial gains and
knowledge and capacity building.
What can the Government do?
provide related space, equipment and laboratory services for sample analysis. |
Contribution to...
What is the issue?
Significant finance is required to protect biodiversity and restore degraded ecosystems; a lack
of financial incentive to conserve land makes it difficult to compete with other land uses that generate a financial return. Biobanking confers value to the land that allows it to compete with alternative land uses. The example of Malua BioBank has shown that there is a willingness to pay for biodiversity conservation services in the HoB (see box). |
Who is the seller?
The owner of the land (private or government) or the company/government/ individual who has
biodiversity rights over the area
Who is the buyer?
Private individuals /companies /organizations
Steps towards
successful business model: |
What can banks do:
• Generate and sell credits representing the rights to the conservation or enhancement of
environmental attributes
What can the private sector do?
What can the Government do?
Contribution to...
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